What is Solvent Cement

Define Solvent Cement 

solvent cement products

Solvent cement is a type of adhesive used primarily for bonding plastic pipes and fittings, such as those made from PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride). It works by dissolving the surface of the materials being joined, allowing them to fuse together as the solvent evaporates, creating a strong, seamless bond.

Here’s a bit more detail on how it works:

  1. Application: The solvent cement is applied to the surfaces of the pipes and fittings that need to be joined. This usually involves brushing or spraying the cement onto the pieces.

  2. Dissolution: The solvent in the cement temporarily dissolves the surface layers of the plastic, which softens the material.

  3. Joining: The softened surfaces are then pressed together, allowing the plastic to meld as the solvent evaporates.

  4. Curing: The cement needs time to cure, which can vary depending on the type of cement and environmental conditions. During this time, the bond strengthens and hardens.

Solvent cement is favored for its ability to create strong, leak-proof joints in plumbing and other plastic piping systems. It's important to use the appropriate type of solvent cement for the specific plastic material you're working with and to follow safety instructions due to the chemicals involved.

  1. Application: Apply the PVC solvent cement evenly to both the pipe and fitting surfaces. Use a brush or applicator to ensure even coverage.
  2. Joining: Quickly insert the pipe into the fitting while the cement is still wet. Rotate slightly to ensure an even distribution of the adhesive.
  3. Setting: Hold the pieces together for a few seconds to allow the initial set. The bond will start to form as the solvent evaporates.
  4. Curing: Allow the joint to cure for the time recommended by the cement manufacturer before pressurizing the pipe or using it. Full curing times can vary, but it often ranges from 15 minutes to 24 hours depending on the product and conditions.


PVC solvent cement is commonly used in various applications, including:

  • Plumbing: For residential and commercial water supply and drainage systems.
  • Irrigation: In agricultural and landscape irrigation systems.
  • Construction: For various structural and non-structural PVC applications.


When using PVC solvent cement, it’s important to work in a well-ventilated area and wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety goggles, because the solvents can be harmful if inhaled or if they come into contact with the skin.

Using PVC solvent cement correctly ensures strong, durable joints that are resistant to leaks and environmental conditions.


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